Welcome to Hong Kong Pony Club
Open to all coaches and volunteers involved in delivering Pony Club activities
Training from Nicola Fitter (Pony Club Area 7 Training Coordinator from the UK)
Thursday evenings in August
August 17 – D/D+ Tests
August 24 – C Test
September 14 – C+ Test
All sessions run 7 – 9pm Hong Kong time on zoom
This training is currently being delivered in the UK to coaches and assessors as part of the roll out of The Pony Club's newly introduced test syllabuses. It is designed to help us understand what is expected of our members in new parts of the revised D, D+, C and C+ syllabuses.
These syllabus changes are intended to enhance members' appreciation of animal welfare. This knowledge is becoming an increasingly integral part of Pony Club coaching at all levels.
About the trainer
Nicola is Pony Club through and through. Her mother was a DC and then Area Rep, and she coached and judged dressage too. Nicola was a PC member from about the age of 7 until 21 (before the age limit was raised to 25.) She passed her A Test with honours and coached for her branch and others as well.
Nicola is a BHSI. In addition to coaching international event riders and various Pony Club teams she has evented herself up to 1* and competed in dressage at Advanced Medium level.
Nicola is actively involved in assessing Pony Club candidates at everything from E Test upwards, including A. She is a Chief Assessor for B and AH.
Please contact dc@hongkongponyclub.com to register free of charge
Hong Kong Pony Club,
c/o Tuen Mun Public Riding School,
Lot 45 Lung Mun Rd,
Tuen Mun, NT.
secretary@hongkongponyclub.com hongkongponyclub@gmail.com Telephone/Whatsapp: +852 4486 3098
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