Welcome to Hong Kong Pony Club
Intended for members 8 - 12 years old (with flexibility) who are riding regularly at any riding centre. The focus of these rallies will be acquiring and practicing Pony Care knowledge and skills because they are so very important for becoming well-rounded horse people. And besides, Pony Care is fun!
Our friendly Pony Club instructor, Joelle, will host six sessions to support participants to work through the Pony Care syllabus for Pony Club Tests (D, D+ or C) as applicable to their age and riding level.
Mondays D+ Rally @ TMPRS
Hong Kong Pony Club,
c/o Tuen Mun Public Riding School,
Lot 45 Lung Mun Rd,
Tuen Mun, NT.
secretary@hongkongponyclub.com hongkongponyclub@gmail.com Telephone/Whatsapp: +852 4486 3098
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