Welcome to Hong Kong Pony Club
HKPC - LWSC Summer Eventing Camp
- by invitation only -
3-day camp (with residential and non-residential options) for our senior members who are confident and capable riders. Due to the high level of competence required, completion of C Test is a prerequisite for acceptance into this camp.
LWSC Eventing camp summer 2021 flier.pdf
LWSC Eventing camp info sheet.pdf
In the event of bad weather, we’re going to push on as best we can. Unfortunately there can be no refunds. However if you are not able to attend the camp for whatever reason, please let us know. There are other riders on our waiting list who will jump at the opportunity (and we will refund your camp fee.)
Senior Eventing Camp Overview
Monday 9th – Wednesday 11th August 2020 at Lo Wu Saddle Club (http://www.lowusaddleclub.com) Accommodation Option: Girl Guides Jockey Club Beas River Lodge (https://www.hkggacnpeng.org/jcbrl) Instructors: Christian Allderidge, Laurel Cooke, Gary Johnston and Luci Friend Riding Level: Competing in ODEs (or aiming to this coming season) Requirements: No age limit, C Test completed Cost: $4,500 (Residential option add: $500 ($250/ night)) Enrollment: Registration by invitation LWSC Eventing camp info sheet.pdf
Cost: $4,500 (Residential option add: $500 ($250/ night))
Enrollment: Registration by invitation
Hong Kong Pony Club,
c/o Tuen Mun Public Riding School,
Lot 45 Lung Mun Rd,
Tuen Mun, NT.
secretary@hongkongponyclub.com hongkongponyclub@gmail.com Telephone/Whatsapp: +852 4486 3098
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