Welcome to Hong Kong Pony Club
Are you a young rider who competed in any of the following three classes in the March 2021 HKEF Dressage Anywhere Series?
If yes, then this session is for you!
Peta McAuley and Christian Allderidge have kindly volunteered their time to support this initiative. Between them they judged three classes in last month's HKEF Dressage Anywhere Series, namley: Prelim 14, Prelim 2 and Prelim 15. If you competed in any of these three classes then this session is open to you. We invite you to come along for a 15 minute feedback session with the judge. We will replay your Dressage Anywhere entry and the judge will go through your score sheet with you in order to provide constructive feedback that will help you to understand your marks and hopefully improve your performance next time. Due to social distancing restrictions we can not gather in groups larger than 4 persons. Sadly, these sessions are therefore only open to competitors receiving feedback and one parent. Thanks for your understanding.
Hong Kong Pony Club,
c/o Tuen Mun Public Riding School,
Lot 45 Lung Mun Rd,
Tuen Mun, NT.
secretary@hongkongponyclub.com hongkongponyclub@gmail.com Telephone/Whatsapp: +852 4486 3098
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