Welcome to Hong Kong Pony Club
We will be holding the Annual Philip Day Memorial Challenge at Beas River Equestrian Centre on Sunday April 28th.
All entries need to be approved by the District Commissioner to ensure that the riders meet the minimum requirements to compete at that level. In order to enter you need to be regularly jumping at least the height of the class (80cm for the Bowl and 100cm for the cup).
Cup competitors who wish to also compete in the Bowl may do so as long as as the combination of horse and rider have not competed at over 1m. For non livery holders, once your entry has been approved we will do our best to match you with a borrowed horse. We may not be able to match everyone who enters with a horse as we are always limited with the number of horses we can have, but we will do our very best to try to get everyone who is approved a horse.
The schedule will be roughly as follows, class times are approximate, we will do our best to run on time but we do not have a large team of course builders to help!
CLASSES Class ONE: Philip Day Bowl Competition Time: 9.00am Height: 70-80cm Paddock: Competition Arena. Class TWO: Philip Day Cup Competition Time: 11.00 Height: 90-100cm Paddock: Competition Arena LUNCH There will be no kiosk serving drinks and food. Please bring your own food and drink. It would be nice to have a picnic after the Cup Class! The Prize giving for each class will be directly after the class. We would like to ask everyone, competitors and spectators, to give their support for the whole morning, and be there for both competitions. PAYMENT Philip Day $210 if riding own livery horse (or horse you arrange with your riding school) $420 if riding borrowed horse
PARKING There is parking at Beas River, but you do need to register your car number. If you are entering as a rider then there is space for your car on the entry form. If you would like to come as a spectator, please email the HKPC secretary with your licence number.
The Beas River Equestrian Centre is located at
HKJC Beas River Country Club, Kam Tsin Road, Kwu Tong Sheung Shui Driving directions can be found here:http://member.hkjc.com/member/english/about-membership/driving-and-parking/beas-river-country-club.aspx
Hong Kong Pony Club,
c/o Tuen Mun Public Riding School,
Lot 45 Lung Mun Rd,
Tuen Mun, NT.
secretary@hongkongponyclub.com hongkongponyclub@gmail.com Telephone/Whatsapp: +852 4486 3098
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