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Welcome to Hong Kong Pony Club


Pony Club Training System     


In Hong Kong, children learn to ride but generally have limited opportunities to care for ponies. This creates an imbalance in our young riders' knowledge and experience, which the Pony Club helps to redress. Pony Club Efficiency Tests focus on pony care as well as riding. In order to progress through the Pony Club Training System, members must master practical skills and demonstrate knowledge about ponies and horses.

Riding centres play a crucial role in preparing young riders for Pony Club Efficiency Tests. We liaise closely with instructors in the riding centres to identify when candidates are ready and make arrangements for Tests to happen, as needed.


If you are interested to enroll for an Efficiency Test or would like to know more, please contact us.


Efficiency Tests    能力考試

All Pony Club Efficiency Tests have been updated in 2023.

In general, our approach to the Pony Club Training System follows The Pony Club in the United Kingdom with modifications to suit the situation in Hong Kong. 'E' Test is optional but Tests at all other levels must be taken in sequence.

所有效率測試均已於 2023 年更新。內容和英國少年馬術會一樣,亦是國際認可。除了E級考試是非強制性外,其他考試必須跟次序應考。

E Test (Optional)

This is the first stage designed for younger members who are new to Pony Club and riding. All riding can be performed on or off the lead-rein.


Objectives at this level

  • To start on the Pony Club ladder of achievement
  • To improve and enjoy learning about ponies
  • To be happy both on and around ponies
  • To know the basic points of the pony

For details, please refer to the full ‘E' Standard of Efficiency Test Card

Minimum age 7 years.    七歲或以上。

Badge disc colour:  Pale Yellow    徽章顏色:淺黃

D Test

Candidates should have basic knowledge about ponies and be confident to handle a pony as well as ride in walk and trot without a lead-rein.


Objectives for this level

  • To achieve confidence in handling a pony
  • To achieve confidence in riding a pony
  • To enjoy learning about ponies
  • To have a basic understanding of pony behaviour
  • To know that it is important that ponies are healthy and enjoy life
  • To have an awareness of how ponies learn

For details, please refer to the full 'D’ Standard Of Efficiency Test Card

Minimum age 8 years 八歲或以上。

Badge disc colour: Yellow     徽章顏色:

D+ Test

Candidates should understand elementary aids and be able to apply them while working towards developing a balanced seat that is independent of the reins.


Objectives at this level

  • To understand the importance of putting a pony’s welfare first
  • To understand the Five Freedoms of pony welfare
  • To have an understanding of pony behaviour
  • To have a basic knowledge of the care and working of a pony at grass
  • To begin to understand how a pony learns
  • To be working towards developing a balanced seat independent of the reins

For details, please refer to the full 'D+’ Standard Of Efficiency Test Card

Minimum age 10 years.     十歲或以上。

Badge disc colour: White    徽章顏色:

C Test

C Test is the basic standard that we want all members to attain. At this level, candidates must demonstrate a secure seat independent of the reins on the flat and over small jumps and sound understanding of basic knowledge related to pony welfare and care.


Objectives at this level

  • To understand that equine welfare is important
  • To have some knowledge of the Five Freedoms (Domains) and why they are essential for a pony’s welfare
  • To have an awareness of ponies’ instincts and how they affect their behaviour
  • To understand how a pony learns
  • To have a knowledge of the care and working of a pony off grass (this means a pony that lives out in a field as is common in other places but not Hong Kong)
  • To be working towards a secure correct, balanced seat independent of the reins and to understand why this is important
  • To apply simple aids correctly
  • To be in control of the pony on the roads and in the countryside (as would be required in other places but not commonly in Hong Kong)
  • To understand why there are rules for riding in the countryside (as would be required in other places but not commonly in Hong Kong)

For details, please refer to the full C Standard Of Efficiency Test Card.pdf

Minimum age 11 - 12 years 十一歲或以上。

Badge felt colour:  Dark Green        徽章顏色:

C+ Test

Candidates should demonstrate riding over fences at all paces; riding up and down hills and over cross-country fences; riding intelligently and with due regard for others and knowledge of pace and discipline. For Part 2, candidates should demonstrate practical experience of caring for a stabled pony.

At this level, candidates may be assessed for Part 1 and Part 2 separately.


Objectives at this level

Part 1 - Riding

  • To understand the importance of putting equine welfare first
  • To show some understanding of learning theory and equine behaviour
  • To become an enthusiastic, educated, and practical rider
  • To be capable of riding a well-mannered pony or horse in a variety of Pony Club activities
  • To ride intelligently and with due regard for others on the roads and in the countryside, showing understanding of ‘going’, pace, distance, and your pony or horse’s level of fitness
Part 2 - Pony Care
  • To understand how the Five Domains (Freedoms) affect the care of ponies and horses
  • To know how the behaviour of a pony or horse is affected by its environment
  • To understand how horses and ponies learn from previous experience
  • To show practical experience, or understanding and knowledge, of the care and work of a stabled horse/pony
  • To show practical experience and/or understanding and knowledge of the care and work of a pony or horse at grass

For details, please refer to  'C+’ Standard Of Efficiency Test Card - Part 1  and  'C+' Standard of Efficiency Test Card - Part 2

Minimum age 13 - 14 years .  十三歲或以上

Badge felt colour: Pink        徽章顏色:粉紅

Hong Kong Pony Club, 

c/o Tuen Mun Public Riding School, 

Lot 45 Lung Mun Rd, 

Tuen Mun, NT.                                                          Telephone/Whatsapp: +852 4486 3098

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